BEST Ultimate Guide for Twitter Influencer Marketing [Influencer Platform EXPLAINS]

Alexandra Kazakova

By Alexandra Kazakova
18 min READ | May 27 2024

Table of contents

Twitter influencer marketing has become an essential part of many brands' digital marketing strategies.

Approximately 25.9% of marketers are likely to use Twitter for influencer marketing in 2024.

This marks a significant portion of brands leveraging Twitter for their influencer campaigns.

With 121 million daily active users, Twitter gives you a dynamic platform where you can engage potential customers through authentic conversations and high-quality content.

But how can you get started?

We’ll use our experience as an influencer discovery platform to bring you insightful tips and strategies.

We’ll cover everything from identifying the right influencers to picking the best type of content and even turning your brand into a Twitter influencer.

Let’s begin.


  • Overview: Twitter influencer marketing is a key strategy for brands, utilizing the platform's 121 million daily active users to engage potential customers through influencers.
  • Influencer Impact: Effective influencers can dramatically expand a brand's reach and engagement, crucial for high conversion rates and ROI. Influencer endorsements can notably influence purchase decisions.

Strategy Development:

  • Set clear goals and KPIs such as impressions, reach, and conversion rates.
  • Determine budget; influencers can cost between $2 to $2,000 per post.
  • Select the right type of influencer content, like sponsored tweets, product reviews, and account takeovers to maximize impact.

Campaign Setup:

  • Identify and partner with relevant influencers using tools and strategies like hashtag analytics, follower analysis, and influencer platforms.
  • Use creative strategies like giveaways, product launches, and discount codes to engage and convert audiences.

Types of Influencers:

  • Ranges from nano influencers (under 10,000 followers) to mega influencers (over 1 million followers).
  • Each type serves different purposes, from generating organic messages to achieving extensive media coverage.

Execution Tips:

  • Focus on data-driven decisions and continuous monitoring.
  • Foster genuine, long-term relationships with influencers for sustained success.
  • Use relevant hashtags and high-quality content to boost engagement and reach.

What Is Twitter Influencer Marketing?

Twitter influencer marketing involves collaborating with Twitter Influencers to promote your brand, product, or service to their followers.

These influencers use their Twitter profiles to engage their audiences through authentic conversations.

If you choose the right influencers, your brand-sponsored tweets will fit right into that picture.

And you can do influencer marketing on X (formerly Twitter) for different types of brands – from high-stake finance companies to gaming.

Here’s Twitter mega-influencer James - JGOD promoting Call of Duty:


With 172,000 views in just 13 hours after posting the Tweet, JGOD has achieved a 17.2% engagement rate already (considering that he has 1 million Twitter followers).

That’s a massive exposure and brings us to the next question:

Why Do You Need Twitter Influencers for Your Brand?

  • Expand your reach: Using Twitter influencers helps you reach a wider audience, exposing your brand to thousands of new potential customers. And this is an interested audience. The average time spent by a user on Twitter is 30.9 minutes per day, with a 12.5% year-on-year growth. That means X can hold user attention, which is vital for effective influencer marketing campaigns.
  • Increase engagement rates: Solid Twitter influencers have highly engaged audiences. And you’ll leverage the influence and reach of content creators who have built thousands of followers on the platform. As a result, your branded content receives more attention and interaction.
  • Reach a targeted audience: Partnering with relevant influencers means you can reach your specific target audience more effectively. In turn, that leads to a decrease in CPAs and an increase in ROI.
  • You can address young people: According to Backlinko, most Twitter users are males under the age of 34. In fact, 58.38% of Twitter users are 18-34 year-olds, 61.2% are male, and 38.8% are female.
  • Enhance brand credibility: Collaborating with genuine influencers builds trust and authenticity for your brand among potential customers.
  • Boost conversion rates: Influencers' recommendations can significantly impact their followers' purchase decisions. That means you get higher conversion rates and more loyal customers.
  • You’re not missing an opportunity: 66% of brands maintain a presence on Twitter. While not the largest platform for influencer marketing, it remains an essential channel for many businesses.

Step 1: How to Set Up a Twitter Influencer Marketing Campaign

If you’re ready to start leveraging these advantages, you’ll need a solid campaign plan.

Here’s what we recommend to our clients:

Set Goals and KPIs

When setting up a Twitter influencer marketing campaign, start by defining clear goals and key performance indicators.

Both KPIs and goals help you measure the success of your influencer marketing efforts.

And that means you can improve your campaign, making it more focused.

Here are some examples of goals and KPIs you can set:

Goal 1: Enhance your brand’s visibility


  • Impressions: The number of times your content is displayed.
  • Reach: The number of unique users who see your content.
  • Brand mentions: The number of times your brand is mentioned on Twitter.
  • Follower growth: The increase in the number of followers on your Twitter profile.

Goal 2: Increase the number of visitors to your website via Twitter


  • Click-Through Rate (CTR): The percentage of users who click on the link in your tweet.
  • Website visits: The total number of visits to your website from Twitter.
  • Session duration: The average time users spend on your website after arriving from Twitter.
  • Bounce rate: The percentage of visitors who leave your website after viewing only one page.

Insider tip: You can use our free toolkit to measure these KPIs.

For example, here’s our free bounce rate calculator:

Goal 3: Generate leads.

Capture potential customer information to convert it into sales.


  • Lead generation forms: The number of completed forms submitted via Twitter.
  • Conversion rate: The percentage of users who complete a desired action (e.g., signing up for a newsletter).
  • Cost per lead: The cost incurred for acquiring a lead via Twitter campaigns.
  • Qualified leads: The number of leads that meet your criteria for potential customers.

Set Your Budget. Do Twitter Influencers Get Paid?

Yes, Twitter influencers do get paid between $2 and $2,000 per post.

You can pay Twitter influencers through monetary compensation, free products, or services.

Insider tip: Here’s a complete influencer rate sheet for different social media platforms.

Compensation varies based on the influencer’s reach, engagement rates, and the scope of work.

Influencers with a large number of Twitter followers typically command higher fees.

We advise all our clients to have a clear influencer agreement outlining the deliverables and payment structure.

Insider tip: Working with an influencer agency can help you navigate these arrangements and ensure you find the ideal influencers within your budget.

Step 2: 5 Most Effective Twitter Influencer Marketing Campaigns

Now that you’ve decided on your goals, KPIs, and budget, it’s time to craft a winning Twitter strategy.

Here are the types of influencer-generated content that work best on X (formerly Twitter) in our experience.

1. Sponsored Tweets

Sponsored tweets are a powerful tool in your influencer marketing strategies.

You collaborate with Twitter influencers to create tweets promoting your brand, product, or service.

These tweets significantly boost your brand’s visibility among active users.

Pro tip: Using relevant hashtags in these tweets ensures they reach a wider audience and engage potential customers who follow the influencer.

Here’s an excellent example.


Basically, Toon Boom Animation sponsored an indie film studio called Studio Flimpo.

Although this studio has just 7282 followers, its sponsored post reached over 71,000 views, 3,400 likes, and 504 comments.

This massive engagement rate can be explained by picking the right influencers, creating a good video post, and using the brand name.

2. Twitter Product Reviews and Demos

Product reviews and demos by social media influencers influence 60% of purchase decisions.

These reviews generate authentic conversations and help build trust with your target audience.

Influencer marketing campaigns that include product reviews and demos often see higher engagement rates and conversions, as followers value the opinions of influencers they trust.

That’s also because the product review format is video and:

  • 80% of X (Twitter) user sessions include watching videos. Video views on the platform increased by 35% year-over-year, highlighting the growing importance of video content on Twitter (X) for engagement.

This feature targets primarily Gen Z, emphasizing the platform's focus on engaging younger audiences with vertical video formats similar to TikTok.

Insider tip: Partner with relevant influencers to provide honest reviews and demos of your products.

Like so:


3. Twitter Account Takeover

A Twitter account takeover allows an influencer to post directly from your brand’s account for a set period.

This strategy drives a surge in engagement and attracts the influencer’s followers to your profile.

Using micro-influencers and public figures for takeovers provides fresh content and connects with potential influencers who may not have discovered your brand otherwise.

It also offers a unique way to connect with a highly engaged audience.

Here’s a good example from Canadian Tire:


Notice that in this example, Alannah Yip doesn’t promote Canadian Tire – but vice-versa.

That allows the company to express its brand values and, therefore, connect better with its potential clients.

And since Canadian Tire used the hashtag #AlannahYip, it connected with a wider audience of non-buyers.

Basically, it was a win-win.

4. Collection Release Posts

Collaborating with Twitter influencers amplifies your reach when launching a new product collection.

Influencers share high-quality content and engage their followers with sneak peeks or exclusive first looks, creating buzz around your collection release.

This approach ensures that your collection reaches thousands of followers interested in your brand.

As a result, you can drive both awareness and sales.

Insider tip: You can make this type of Twitter content even more effective by promoting it with Twitter ads.

And we have a free Twitter mockup generator to help you create ads in seconds.

That means you can also A/B test different ad versions to optimize your Twitter ad campaign.

5. Product Discount Codes and Giveaways

Offering discounts and giveaways through Twitter influencers is an effective strategy to drive conversions like:

  • Sales: Influencers share unique discount codes with their followers, incentivizing them to make a purchase. The trust and loyalty influencers have built with their followers can quickly turn interested users into loyal customers.
  • Impressions and comments: Alternatively, they entice people to follow your brand’s Twitter page or comment on your posts. As such, you increase your follower growth.

Even better, it’s one of the best types of content to track the return on investment for your influencer marketing efforts.


Step 3: How to Find Influencers on Twitter

After setting your goals, KPIs, and budget and choosing the type of content you need, you have your creative strategy in place.

Now, it’s time to find the best Twitter/ X influencers that can implement this strategy.

Here are some tactics you can use.

Look at Your Twitter Followers

Your current Twitter followers can be a great source of potential influencers.

So, analyze your followers’ list to find people who frequently engage with your content and have a significant number of followers themselves.

These genuine influencers are already interested in your brand and can help amplify your message to a wider audience.

Twitter Hashtag Search & Analytics

Searching relevant hashtags is an effective strategy for finding influencers in your niche.

Search for popular hashtags related to your industry and see who is actively using them.

Insider tip: Use social listening and analytics tools to identify which influencers are driving the most engagement and participating in relevant conversations.

Here’s a neat tutorial you can follow:

This approach ensures you connect with influencers who are already involved in your industry.

Another method is to search within your Twitter followers using the search bar:

You even have advanced search capabilities:

Insider tip: You can find this tab on the right-hand side of Twitter on your desktop, but only after you’ve started a search using the basic search bar here:


Again, look for Twitter users with a substantial follower count and high engagement rates.

This method allows you to find genuine influencers who can effectively promote your content to their audience.

Leverage Twitter Lists

This option is great if you already found a few influencers you like.

Simply open their profiles, click on the three dots next to the “Follow” button, and click on “View Lists.”


You can then use these lists to build a comprehensive influencer database.

The problem, though, is that not all influencers you like will have these lists.

Analyze Retweets

Retweets can provide valuable insights into who is amplifying your content.

Analyze who is retweeting your posts frequently, as these users are likely engaged and interested in your brand.

Influencers who retweet your content can help you reach new potential customers and enhance your social media marketing efforts.

Insider tip: You can use this method even after you found a few good influencers.

You can look at who’s sharing their content to get access to even more Twitter content creators.

Use an Influencer Tool

Influencer tools and databases can streamline the process of finding the ideal influencer for your campaign.

These tools offer comprehensive insights into influencers' metrics, such as audience size, engagement rates, and previous collaborations.

As such, you can find the most suitable influencers for your marketing goals.

For example, our influencer discovery platform, inBeat can help you find Twitter influencers with active presence on TikTok and Instagram.

Our database works best for bulk searches when you want to expand your social media marketing strategy on other social channels.

All you have to do is:

  • Type “Twitter” in the search bar and choose to match in bio.
  • Then, you can add other keywords relevant to your brand.
  • Select the right filters in terms of follower count, language, and engagement rate.
  • Hit the “OK” button to discover these potential influencers.

Use Google and Twitter Search Combined

Use Google to search for lists of top Twitter influencers in your industry, and then check their Twitter profiles for relevance.

Twitter Search allows you to look up keywords and see who is talking about topics related to your brand.

This method helps you discover influencers who might not be following you yet but are influential in your industry.

Step 4: Best Types of Twitter Influencers

After finding the right influencers, it’s time to make a shortlist of the best ones for your next Twitter campaign.

Here’s how you can analyze them.

Mega Influencers: Celebrities. Best for Extensive Media Coverage

Mega influencers have a massive following, exceeding a million Twitter followers.

These public figures, such as celebrities and well-known personalities, can drive significant reach and awareness for your brand.

They come with higher costs, but their ability to broadcast your message to a large audience makes them a powerful tool in your influencer marketing efforts.

For example, here’s Bill Gates recommending one book and getting over 540,000 views:


When to collaborate: When you have the budget.

Joke aside, celebrities attract vast audiences and generate substantial media attention.

They are best for high-impact campaigns that must reach a broad and diverse audience.

Their endorsements can create strong brand associations and elevate your brand’s status.

Macro Influencers: Thought Leaders. Best for Building Brand Authority

Macro influencers have follower counts ranging from 500,000 to a million.

These popular content creators are typically thought leaders who have built a substantial audience.

And they have better engagement levels than celebrity influencers.

So, collaborating with macro influencers can enhance your brand’s visibility and drive high engagement rates.

When to collaborate: Thought leaders are recognized authorities in their fields who shape opinions and trends.

Their followers look to them for insights and guidance. Collaborating with thought leaders can elevate your brand’s credibility and authority, positioning you as a key player in your industry.

These influencers can help drive high-quality content and relevant conversations around your brand.

Mid-Tier Influencers: Industry Experts. Best for B2B Campaigns

Mid-tier influencers typically have between 100,000 and 500,000 followers.

They are typically industry experts who balance reach and engagement even more than macro-influencers.

The advantages of working with these types of Twitter creators are they can:

  • Produce high-quality content that resonates well with their followers.
  • Create authentic conversations.
  • Provide a strong return on investment for your influencer marketing campaigns.

When to collaborate: Industry experts are influencers who possess deep knowledge and expertise in a specific field.

They are highly respected by their peers and followers, making them valuable partners for B2B influencer marketing campaigns.

Their insights and endorsements can significantly impact purchase decisions and enhance your brand’s reputation among potential customers.

Micro - Influencers: Niche Influencers. Best for Precise Targeting

Micro-influencers have follower counts between 10,000 and 100,000.

They are known for their niche expertise and highly engaged audience.

Partnering with micro-influencers allows you to target specific market segments.

That means your message reaches potential customers who are genuinely interested in your products or services.

When to collaborate: Niche influencers focus on specific topics or industries and have a dedicated follower base interested in those areas.

They are invaluable for targeting very specific audiences with particular interests.

Nano Influencers: Brand Advocates. Best for Organic Messages

Nano influencers have up to 10,000 followers.

Despite their smaller audience size, they have the most loyal and engaged following of all Twitter creators.

Collaborating with nano influencers is extremely cost-effective and provides authentic endorsements.

That’s why they’re an ideal influencer choice for brands looking to build trust and credibility within tight-knit communities.

When to collaborate: Brand advocates are loyal customers who genuinely love your products and are willing to promote them without any formal partnership.

They share their positive experiences on social media platforms, including Twitter.

Engaging with these advocates can amplify your message organically, leveraging their authentic enthusiasm to build strong relationships with a wider audience.

Step 5: Our Influencer Platform’s Tips for SOLID Twitter Influencer Campaigns

At this step, you need to hone your Twitter influencer marketing campaign.

Here’s what we recommend to our clients – because it works.

Also, it’s important to outline that many brands miss these steps, so their campaigns are not always top notch.

1. Create the Strategy Before Finding the Influencers

Begin with a clear influencer marketing strategy.

Determine your campaign goals, target audience, and key performance indicators. Understanding your objectives helps you identify the type of influencer that fits best with your campaign.

Doing it the other way around is much more difficult.

Even if you find engaged influencers who produce authentic content, they may not fit your brand voice or strategy.

2. Use Influencer Analytics Tools

Influencer analytics tools are essential for evaluating potential influencers.

Analyze content creators’ profiles to assess their engagement rates, audience size, and previous campaign performance.

This information helps you select the ideal influencers who align with your brand values and can effectively reach your target audience.

3. Monitor and Analyze

Make data-driven decisions, always.

Track key metrics such as conversion rates, engagement rates, and audience growth.

Use social listening tools to follow relevant conversations and adjust your strategy based on real-time data.

This regular analysis ensures your campaign remains effective and responsive to changes.

Remember: Our free toolkit helps you measure essential metrics.

4. Use Relevant Hashtags

Incorporate relevant hashtags into your influencer campaigns.

Hashtags increase the visibility of your posts and help connect with a wider audience.

Identify popular hashtags within your industry and encourage influencers to use them in their content.

This approach boosts the reach and engagement of your brand-sponsored tweets.

5. Foster Authentic Relationships

Building relationships with influencers goes beyond single campaigns.

Engage with them regularly and show appreciation for their work.

Authentic relationships with influencers lead to more genuine endorsements and long-term collaborations.

This approach helps build trust with their followers and strengthens your brand’s credibility.

How to Become a Twitter Influencer? [As a Brand]

Using influencers to promote your brand is great, but you need a specific budget for that.

Even if you create long-term partnerships with influencers – if the budget drains, your partnerships stop, too.

So, a great solution is to turn your brand into a Twitter influencer.

We’ve seen plenty of successful examples.

Here’s how you can do it.

Define Your Brand Voice

Start by clearly defining your brand voice and messaging.

Consistency in tone and content helps build a recognizable and trustworthy brand.

Create High-Quality Content

Focus on producing high-quality content that resonates with your target audience.

Use relevant hashtags to increase visibility and engage with your followers regularly.

Engage with Your Audience

Build relationships with your audience by responding to comments, participating in relevant conversations, and sharing user-generated content.

Authentic interactions foster loyalty and trust.

Collaborate with Influencers

Partner with genuine influencers to boost your brand’s reach.

Influencer collaborations can introduce your brand to new potential customers and enhance your social media presence.

Use Analytics Tools

Leverage analytics tools to track your performance.

Monitor engagement rates, follower growth, and conversion rates to understand what works and adjust your strategy accordingly.

How Many Followers Do You Need on Twitter to Be an Influencer?

Generally, you need at least 1,000 followers to be considered a nano-influencer on Twitter.

For broader influence, aim for 10,000 to 50,000 followers. Larger brands and public figures often have hundreds of thousands or even millions of followers.

Also, the number of followers needed to be considered an influencer varies by industry and niche.

Remember: Engagement rates and content quality are equally important as follower counts in establishing your influence.

Kickstart Your Twitter Influencer Marketing Campaign

Leveraging Twitter influencer marketing requires careful planning and strategic execution.

From understanding the types of influencers to monitoring campaign performance, each step is a linchpin in achieving your marketing goals.

We shared some valuable insights to help you build successful campaigns.

Follow these guidelines to maximize your engagement, enhance your brand’s presence, and connect meaningfully with your target audience.

Also, use our discovery platform to find relevant influencers, our Twitter mockup generator to create awesome Twitter ads, and our free toolkit to measure your campaign progress.

You can also get in touch with us to schedule a free strategy call.

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