How to Find Amazon Influencer Storefront: FREE Tool [+ 8 Other Methods Our Clients Use]

Alexandra Kazakova

By Alexandra Kazakova
12 min READ | Feb 14 2024

Table of contents

Statistics show that creator content is more trustworthy than branded content.

That’s why using Amazon influencers can increase your sales and ROI.

But since you’re here, you already know that.

So, we’ll show you an excellent free tool to find the right content creators for your shop.

We’ll also discuss 8 other methods to find an Amazon influencer storefront from our experience as an influencer marketing platform.

But first:

What Is an Amazon Influencer?

Amazon influencers are key in influencer marketing for e-commerce brands.

They use the Amazon Influencer Program to promote various products and direct customers to their Amazon Storefronts with affiliate links.

Here, they earn from product sales.

Here are some quick details that we ask our clients to remember when they want to find the right Amazon influencers:

  • Storefronts showcase products, much like a store window.  They are well-organized and link directly to followers. Influencers ensure their high-quality content matches their expertise, enhancing the shopping experience.
  • The program includes many types of influencers. From those with huge follower counts to niche influencers with high engagement. This variety helps you find the right fit for your audience, boosting your affiliate program’s impact.
  • Social media boosts these storefronts. Influencers share links on platforms like Instagram and YouTube. This drives more traffic to their storefronts and promotes the products.

Why do we ask them to remember those details?

Because they need to use all influencer discovery tools at their disposal and ensure perfect brand alignment.

That brings us to the main point of the article:

How to Find Amazon Influencer Storefront

Before jumping into the exact way to find an influencer storefront, here are a few tips from us – an influencer marketing platform – to ensure you want to discover the right influencer.

  • Look for influencers whose content resonates with your product categories.
  • Engagement metrics and follower count on their social media accounts can indicate their influence.
  • Ensure their audience demographics match your target market.
  • Always cross-check an influencer’s social media performance to assess their fit for your brand.

Now, let’s dive right in.


  • Amazon Influencers are crucial for e-commerce brands, leveraging the Amazon Influencer Program to promote products and earn from sales through their Storefronts.
  • Finding the right Amazon influencers involves understanding their audience, engagement, and content quality to ensure brand alignment.
  • inBeat is a free influencer discovery tool that simplifies the search for Amazon influencers by using filters for efficient comparison, particularly beneficial for larger campaigns.

Eight additional methods for finding Amazon influencers are outlined:

  • Searching Amazon-related hashtags on social media platforms for influencer content.
  • Using the #FoundItOnAmazon hashtag to discover influencers directly on Amazon.
  • Navigating Amazon Live for real-time interaction with influencers and their product recommendations.
  • Exploring YouTube and Twitch for in-depth influencer insights through their content.
  • Harnessing referrals and word of mouth for trusted influencer recommendations.
  • Utilizing Google search for a broad discovery of influencers with a strong online presence.
  • Engaging with Facebook Groups to connect directly with influencers and discuss collaboration opportunities.
  • Leveraging social media listening tools to identify influencers discussing relevant products or topics.

1. Leverage inBeat for Influencer Discovery: Best Overall

Discovering Amazon Influencer Storefronts is essential for e-commerce brands looking to connect with the right audiences.

Here’s the problem.

These storefronts are not always easy to find on Amazon because Amazon doesn’t feature all product categories in the #FoundItOnAmazon category.

Luckily, most influencers’ social media profiles link to these storefronts for increased visibility.

So, our clients typically start with platforms like Instagram, YouTube, Twitch, and TikTok.

Influencers typically share a direct link in their bio or video descriptions.

But there’s a way to elude that in-depth manual search.

inBeat is a free influencer discovery platform that helps you find the right influencers for your brand.

It’s better than manually (and randomly) searching bio links on social media platforms because:

  • You can use a slew of filters and keywords to refine your search for the perfect Amazon influencers that match your brand’s ethos.
  • You can efficiently compare influencer profiles, focusing on key metrics like engagement rates and audience demographics.
  • You can shortlist and pick specific content creators by considering your business goals and budget. For example, micro - influencers are less expensive than macro - influencers, and inBeat allows you to set the precise following size you need. Additionally, nano - influencers have 22x more purchase conversations, so they might be better to include in your Amazon Influencer Product.

Here’s how easy it is to set a few filters to discover engaged nano-influencers in the beauty niche:


Pro tip: Our clients say inBeat is especially awesome for larger influencer marketing campaigns, where you need to find bulk influencers to address a wider audience.

That brings us to the next strategy:

Insider story: We have previously worked with online retailers and Amazon sellers at inBeat.

And most of them had used Amazon hashtags on social media platforms like Instagram and TikTok before coming to us.

That’s a reasonable place to start.

Content creators who promote Amazon products typically use these hashtags when they showcase their favorite products:

  • #Amazon
  • #AmazonDeals
  • #AmazonFashion
  • #AmazonFashionFinds
  • #AmazonFinds
  • #AmazonHaul
  • #AmazonHome
  • #AmazonInfluencer
  • #FoundItOnAmazon
  • #MustHaves
  • #TikTokMadeMeBuyIt

They also link their Amazon Storefronts in their social media profiles to funnel more potential customers there.

Here are the problems:

  • This technique involves extensive scrolling and offers limited analysis capabilities.
  • Distinguishing between the multitude of influencers based on their content quality and engagement metrics can be challenging.
  • This is not a good strategy to find bulk influencers with different follower sizes and demographics.

Let’s use the #AmazonHaul on Instagram:


You can immediately notice there are close to 112,000 posts across geographic locations and product categories.

Zeroing in on the right influencer for your brand is like looking for the needle in the haystack.

Insider tip: inBeat enhances this process with its “Find similar creators” feature, allowing you to discover influencers with comparable audience size and engagement stats.

This tool saves time because it ensures a more targeted approach to finding influencers who truly resonate with your brand’s values and target audience.

3. Use #FoundItOnAmazon Hashtag

Our e-commerce clients also use Amazon Influencer Storefronts via Amazon to discover content creators.

The process is simple:

  1. Start on the Amazon homepage.
  2. Look for the main search bar at the top left.
  3. Click it, then choose “See All.”
  4. Find the “#FoundItOnAmazon” section. This area showcases images from influencer collections and top picks across various product categories.
  5. Narrow down your search by selecting a product category that aligns with your promotional goals.
  6. Within this category, look for posts linked to Amazon Influencer Storefronts. These posts are key to finding influencers that match your brand’s needs.
  7. To engage with the influencer, click on their name.

Insider tip: You can do this faster by visiting Amazon Finds.

You can either choose the “Explore” option or pick a product category:


Pro tip: Once you find a promising influencer, visit their Storefront.

Assess if their style and product selections complement your brand.

Upside: This method is great for finding influencers that fit your exact product category, allowing you to tailor your search to specific interests.

Besides, these people are likelier to promote your products using affiliate links.

Downside: The drawback to this method is that you can’t easily gather a list of influencers, comparing their profiles based on audience demographics and interactions. Worse still, not all product categories are included here.

So, inBeat still takes the cake because it helps you assess quickly if a certain Amazon influencer resonates with your brand’s ethos.

Solution: Click on an influencer’s Amazon profile to see if they have any social media profiles linked to it, and then research those profiles using inBeat’s free toolkit.

Let’s say we like this Storefront:


We click on the influencer’s Amazon profile to discover her other social channels:


We then use the free Instagram engagement rate calculator to reveal her stats:

Pro tip: If you’re unhappy with her engagement level, you can always press the “Find Similar Creators” button.

4. Navigate Amazon Live for Direct Influencer Engagement

Amazon Live revolutionizes how you connect with influencers and discover products.

This platform allows for real-time interaction during influencer livestreams.

So, it’s an engaging way to see products in action before making a purchase.

You’ll find three key sections to aid your Amazon influencer search:

  • Featured Creators: Here lies a curated list of top Amazon influencers. Clicking on an influencer’s name takes you to their recommended product videos. It’s a direct path to influencer collections and product recommendations.
  • Discover: This section keeps you updated with the latest livestreams. Scrolling further reveals a schedule of upcoming streams. It’s perfect for catching live product reviews and engagement with content creators.
  • Browse: Tailor your search to specific interests here. This section categorizes influencers by their niche, whether it’s Amazon fashion, beauty, electronics, or more. It simplifies finding influencers aligned with your product categories.

Here’s what that looks like:


Upside: Amazon Live is a dynamic tool for seeing products in a new light. Through live interaction, you gain insights directly from influencers, making it easier to decide which ones align with your brand’s vision.

Downside: While it offers direct access to influencer content, you can’t compare engagement metrics and audience demographics across profiles.

5. Explore YouTube and Twitch for Influencer Insights

Many Amazon Storefront influencers extend their presence to YouTube and Twitch, making these platforms valuable for your search.

Their content includes unboxing videos, detailed product reviews, tutorials, and more, providing a comprehensive look at products.

To pinpoint Amazon influencers on YouTube, start with searches like “Amazon product review” followed by your specific interest area.

Examples include:

  • Amazon product review beauty
  • Amazon product review skincare
  • Amazon product review lifestyle
  • Amazon product review fitness

Discovering an influencer’s video opens the door to their Amazon Storefront.

Look in the video description for a Storefront link.

This direct connection allows you to explore their recommended products and influencer collections.

Pro tip: Assess the influencer’s content quality and how it aligns with your brand’s ethos. Although these platforms provide a deep dive into the influencer content, it might not be enough if you’re executing a larger campaign.

Comparing engagement stats and audience details across tens of influencers requires significantly more effort than specialized influencer discovery tools.

6. Harness Referrals and Word of Mouth for Influencer Connections

Leveraging word of mouth is worthwhile because it relies on personal recommendations from trusted sources like friends, family, or colleagues.

Such referrals stem from positive experiences with products promoted by influencers on Amazon.

When you receive a recommendation, search for the mentioned influencer storefront on Amazon.

Review customer feedback to gauge if other people’s favorite influencers align with your brand’s needs.

Pro tip: Expand your search by tapping into your network.

Inquire among customers, employees, partners, and industry peers for influencer referrals. Your network might connect you with influencers who fit your brand’s profile.

Upside: This method helps you find trustworthy influencers who fit your ethos and produce quality content.

Downside: Finding the right Amazon influencer through referrals demands diligence, and it’s not a good method for large-scale campaigns.

7. Use Google Search for Broad Influencer Discovery

Google search is an expansive tool for uncovering Amazon Influencer Storefronts.

You can access a wide array of influencer websites, blogs, and articles by entering targeted queries.

This method is especially useful for finding influencers with a strong online presence beyond Amazon and social media.

Pro tip: To enhance your search, incorporate specific keywords related to your product or industry and search terms like “Amazon influencer” or “Amazon product ambassador.”

This could include searches like:

  • Tech gadgets Amazon influencer blog
  • Fashion influencer Amazon favorites
  • Beauty guru Amazon Storefront

Upside: Google provides a broad search scope.

Downside: You’ll get a mix of relevant and irrelevant results. Sifting through these to find quality influencers requires time and careful evaluation of content type, audience size, and engagement metrics.

Comparatively, inBeat offers a more streamlined approach because we designed this platform specifically for influencer discovery.

That means you can conduct highly targeted searches with filters that hone in on your ideal influencer criteria.

8. Engage with Facebook Groups for Influencer Connections

Groups like the Amazon Influencer Marketing Facebook Group are dynamic platforms for brands and Amazon Influencers to collaborate.

These groups host a vibrant community of thousands of brands and influencers, fostering an environment ripe for partnership opportunities.


To tap into this resource:

  • Join the group to become part of the community.
  • Share a post with your product image and details, outlining your collaboration needs and compensation offer.
  • Engage with interested influencers through comments and direct messages (DMs).

Upside: Facebook Groups are excellent for generating referrals and facilitating direct interactions with potential influencers.

The informal setting allows for open communication, making it easier to gauge an influencer’s interest and alignment with your brand.

Downside: Facebook Groups fall short in terms of efficiently comparing influencer profiles.

While inBeat provides structured data on engagement metrics, audience demographics, and content quality, Facebook Groups require manual assessment through interactions and profile reviews. This can be time-consuming and may not offer the same detailed insights.

9. Leverage Social Media Listening Tools for Influencer Insights

Social media listening tools like Hootsuite and Brand24 are invaluable for identifying Amazon influencers actively discussing products or topics relevant to your brand.

These tools monitor popular hashtags, mentions, and conversations across various social media platforms, providing insights into potential influencer partnerships.

Insider tip: Our sister company, customer acquisition agency inBeat, uses these tools successfully.

Pro tip: Set up alerts for specific keywords related to your products or industry to discover influencers already engaging with your target audience. This method is particularly effective for identifying content creators who naturally align with your brand’s message and values.

Upside: Social media listening allows real-time engagement, offering opportunities to connect with influencers through comments or direct messaging. This direct line of communication is ideal for building relationships and discussing potential collaborations.

Downside: While social media listening tools excel in identifying and facilitating initial contact with influencers, they may not provide comprehensive data for profile comparison. Unlike inBeat, most listening tools focus more on content and conversation trends. So, after you identify influencers discussing relevant topics, you need extra research to evaluate the fit.

Embark on Your Influencer Marketing Journey Now

This article showed you nine excellent ways to find Amazon influencer storefronts.

Armed with the insights from this guide, you can now boost your product visibility and sales through influencer collaborations.

And inBeat is a comprehensive influencer discovery platform for effortless influencer partnerships.

It simplifies finding and managing connections with the right influencers for your brand.

Ready to elevate your influencer marketing strategy?

Schedule your inBeat demo today and unlock the full potential of influencer collaborations.

inBeat, for free

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