Brand Ambassador Contract Template: Complete Guide + Template

Alexandra Kazakova

By Alexandra Kazakova
13 min READ | Dec 11 2023

Table of contents

If you’re on this page, you’ll get a comprehensive brand ambassador contract template at the bottom of this article.

Warning: Before you copy and download it, you should first understand that any template should be personalized.

Otherwise, you may face serious difficulties in the future.

To solve that problem, we’ll first take you through:

  • The advantages and disadvantages of having such a contract
  • 12 essential things to include
  • 10 mistakes to avoid

We’ve also included lots of insider tips, stories, and rants to help you personalize the template for your needs.

Let’s dive in.

TL;DR: Brand Ambassador Contract Template

Contract Overview:

  • Definition: A formal agreement outlining roles, responsibilities, expectations, and compensation between a company and its brand ambassadors.
  • Importance: Ensures mutual understanding and clear terms, managing relationships effectively, and safeguarding rights.


  • Fosters alignment with brand’s message and ethos.
  • Sets clear expectations and guaranteed compensation.
  • Protects confidential information.


  • Can limit ambassador’s creative freedom.
  • Rigidity in duties and limited marketing strategy flexibility.
  • Obligation to promote all products, affecting authenticity.

Key Inclusions:

  • Clear performance metrics.
  • Identification of parties, contract duration, roles, compensation, brand guidelines.
  • Exclusivity clauses, legal compliance, product ownership, copyright issues.
  • Confidentiality and separability clauses, mandatory disclosures.

Mistakes to Avoid:

  • Overlooking partnership details.
  • Vague compensation terms.
  • Ignoring local laws.
  • Neglecting termination clauses and confidentiality.
  • Failing to define work scope and address intellectual property.
  • Skipping dispute resolution mechanisms.
  • Overlooking ambassador’s perspective.
  • Ensuring original signatures.

What Is a Brand Ambassador Contract?

A brand ambassador contract is a formal agreement between your company and the individual(s) who will represent and promote the company’s brand.

This contract outlines the brand ambassador’s roles, responsibilities, expectations, and compensation.

Basically, it’s a legally binding document that clarifies the relationship between your brand and its ambassadors.

Good-faith negotiation isn’t always enough to prevent legal problems, such as disclosure of confidential information, false claims, or tax issues.

That brings us to the next point:

Why Do You Need a Brand Ambassador Contract?

Any contract ensures both parties understand their obligations and the exclusive terms of their partnership.

The brand ambassador contract does the same thing:

  • For your company: It provides a framework to manage and maximize the value of your relationships with brand ambassadors.
  • For ambassadors: It offers clarity on expectations and safeguards their rights. That’s how you can have a mutually beneficial partnership.

A well-drafted brand ambassador contract helps build strong, effective, and legally sound relationships between brands and their ambassadors.

But there are pros and cons.

Advantages of Brand Ambassador Contracts

Insider tip/story: Our years of experience in the field led us to discover the primary advantage of a brand ambassador contract: fostering a profound alignment.

Tailoring these contracts accurately ensures that ambassadors consistently resonate with your brand’s message and ethos when they post on social media platforms.

That’s particularly important in niche markets.

Side note: Our agency leverages data and insights from past successful collaborations to customize these contracts.

And we always aim for content and messaging that truly engages the target audience.

This approach solidifies the brand-influencer relationship and leads to higher engagement rates. Plus, you get a more authentic marketing campaign.

Like the one we built for the Greenpark app:


Here are other advantages of having a binding agreement in writing signed by both parties:

  • Clear expectations: The contract clearly defines what is expected from both your company and the brand ambassador, such as in-person events, specific marketing material, etc. You should also specify the business days when you want your ambassador to work. Therefore, both parties are aware of their duties and obligations, so there will be fewer misunderstandings and potential conflicts.
  • Guaranteed compensation: Regardless of the marketing outcomes, a brand ambassador contract ensures that the ambassador gets paid for their efforts. This is a strong point for the ambassador, as marketing can often be unpredictable and not always yield immediate returns on investment.
  • Protection of confidential information: The contract safeguards the company’s confidential secrets by legally binding the ambassador to keep this information private. This is crucial when sensitive information needs to be shared for promotional purposes.

Disadvantages of Brand Ambassador Contracts

Insider tip/ story: In our experience at inBeat, we’ve observed a distinct disadvantage with brand ambassador contracts: they can sometimes limit an influencer’s creative freedom.

Influencers excel when they can craft unique, engaging content that resonates with their audience.

However, contracts that are overly rigid restrict this creativity, potentially leading to content that feels inauthentic or forced.

Our insights from various campaigns have taught us that the most successful influencer partnerships often include space for personal creativity.

Side note: Here’s a sample brief our agency uses just to understand how much leeway we offer our ambassadors.

Here are other potential cons:

  • Rigidity in duties and obligations: The contract outlines specific duties for the duration, which can span several months. Thus, there is little room for flexibility. If the ambassador is unable to perform a duty in the future, such as attending a physical event, they may face penalties.
  • Limited marketing strategy flexibility: A rigid contract can be a disadvantage if you want to alter your marketing strategy in response to changing marketing trends. Adjustments to the agreement might require negotiating additional fees with the ambassador, adding complexity and potential costs.
  • Obligation to promote all products: The brand ambassador may be contractually obliged to market all of the company’s future products and services for the duration of the contract. This can be challenging if the ambassador does not believe in the quality or concept of a particular product or service. And that potentially affects the authenticity of their promotion.

What should you include in your brand ambassador contract?

Insider tip/ rant: From our perspective at inBeat, the most crucial element to include in a brand ambassador contract is a clear definition of performance metrics and expected outcomes.

This aspect is vital as it aligns both the influencer’s efforts and the brand’s expectations.

Plus, we love data.

We believe in setting measurable goals, such as engagement rates, reach, or conversion targets.

And these should be tailored to each campaign’s objectives.

This approach:

  • Facilitates transparent and objective evaluation of your campaign’s success.
  • Helps fine-tune strategies for future collaborations.
  • Ensures that both parties are on the same page regarding what constitutes success.

And that’s how it leads to more focused and effective marketing efforts.

With that in mind, here’s what you should include in your ambassador agreement:

1. Identification of Parties

The name of the business entity and the brand ambassador should be declared correctly, along with the contact information for each of these parties.

2. Duration of Contract and Early Termination

This specifies the time period for which the contract is valid, including start and end dates.

You should also include an early termination clause, which outlines the conditions under which either party can prematurely end the contract.

This provides a clear exit strategy for both parties if the agreement is no longer beneficial or feasible.

3. Roles and Responsibilities

Add a detailed description of what is expected from the brand ambassador. This can range from promoting products on social media, attending events, creating relevant content, or other promotional activities.

Your marketing team should also be in on the subject matter. Be sure to include any social media accounts or social media channels the ambassador is supposed to use.

4. Compensation Details and Benefits

Clearly outline the payment terms, including any salaries, hourly rates, commission structures, bonuses, or non-monetary benefits like free products or discount codes.

5. Brand Guidelines

Provides information on how the brand should be represented on social media posts or at live events. This might include specifics on messaging, tone, and the overall image that should be conveyed.

Pro tip: These guidelines are not the same as the content requirements you’ll include in your creative brief for social media influencers.

6. Exclusivity and Non-Compete Clauses

These exclusivity clauses may restrict the ambassador from representing or promoting competing brands during and possibly after the contract term. They typically refer to marketing campaigns and social media posts created for your competitors.

Insider tip: Don’t be too strict with your non-competes.

Often, they can get in the way of important brand partnerships like the one between Peloton and Lululemon.


You want to ensure both parties adhere to relevant laws and regulations, including disclosures about sponsored content.

In fact, these are particularly important in digital and social media marketing.

8. Ownership of Product

This clause should specify that any product provided by the company for promotion by the brand ambassador is supplied at no cost to the ambassador.

You should also clearly state that the brand ambassador is not permitted to resell the product without explicit consent from your company. This ensures you can retain ownership rights over your products’ distribution and use.

The contract should include a material provision stating whether your brand or the ambassador retains an ongoing license over any original content created by the influencers.

If the ambassador retains copyright, remember to specify that a new agreement is required if you want to use this content beyond the duration of the agreement.

This protects the creative rights of the ambassador while allowing your company to use the content for other promotional activities.

10. Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure Clauses

This essential clause mandates that the brand ambassador must not disclose confidential information about the product or service they are promoting.

It ensures that sensitive information about the company’s strategies, product details, or other critical data is protected. In some cases, you may need a separate non-disclosure agreement to ensure confidentiality.

Insider tip: You should require the return of any confidential documents or materials at the end of the agreement.

11. Separability Clause

This clause states that if any part of the mutual agreement is deemed invalid or unenforceable by a court, the remainder of the agreement remains in effect.

This ensures that the entire contract is not voided due to one problematic section.

12. Mandatory Disclosures

The contract must comply with legal requirements in various jurisdictions, especially concerning advertising disclosures.

In many areas, influencers or brand ambassadors are legally required to disclose that their content is sponsored or promotional.

This clause ensures that both the company and the ambassador adhere to these legal obligations, maintaining transparency and consumer trust.

10 Mistakes to Avoid When Using a Brand Ambassador Agreement Template

Some of our clients have shared the mistakes they made when hiring influencers or brand ambassadors.

So, we’ll tap into those stories to help you avoid the following mistakes.

1. Overlooking Specific Details of the Partnership

Generic templates might not cover the unique aspects of your brand ambassador relationship, such as timely performance or promotional materials.

Remember: Tailor the contract to reflect specific roles, responsibilities, and expectations unique to your arrangement. Failing to specify these details can lead to misunderstandings and disputes.

2. Vague Compensation Terms

Clearly define how and when the brand ambassador will be compensated. This includes specifying whether the payment is a flat fee, commission-based or involves non-monetary compensation like products or services.

Include the method of payment accepted, such as CashApp, Venmo, Payoneer, or Wise.

Remember: Avoid ambiguous language that can lead to disagreements about payment.

3. Ignoring Local Laws and Regulations

Ensure that the contract complies with local laws, especially concerning labor, advertising campaigns, and marketing regulations. This includes mandatory disclosures for sponsored content, which vary by region.

Warning: Non-compliance can result in legal issues for both parties, such as tax liabilities.

4. Neglecting Termination and Renewal Clauses

The contract should clearly outline the conditions under which it can be terminated by either party.

It should also address the process for renewal if both parties wish to continue the partnership.

Failing to include these clauses can lead to complications if the relationship needs to end or extend beyond the original term.

5. Underestimating the Importance of Confidentiality

Your contract should have a robust confidentiality clause to protect sensitive information about your company and products. Not adequately safeguarding this information can lead to leaks and potentially damage your brand.

6. Failing to Define the Scope of Work

Be precise about what is expected from the brand ambassador.

This includes detailing the types of activities, frequency of promotions, and any specific requirements like post lengths, hashtag usage, or content style.

A lack of specificity can result in unsatisfactory performance.

7. Not Addressing Intellectual Property Rights

Clearly state who owns the content created by the brand ambassador during the contract period.

Misunderstandings about content ownership can lead to legal disputes over intellectual property rights.

8. Skipping Dispute Resolution Mechanisms

Include a clause that outlines how disputes will be resolved should they arise, such as mediation or arbitration processes.

Without this, resolving conflicts can become lengthy and costly.

9. Overlooking Brand Ambassador’s Perspective

It’s important to consider the contract from the ambassador’s point of view.

Unfair or overly restrictive terms might discourage talented individuals from partnering with your brand. And you’ll make a public enemy.

10. Not Having Original Signatures

All legal rights established above may be null if you don’t have valid signatures. To avoid the messy paperwork later on, be sure to conduct any supplementary revisions before signing the document.

Brand Ambassador Contract Template

This contract is made effective as of [Date], by and between [Company Name], hereinafter referred to as the "Company," and [Ambassador Name], hereinafter referred to as the "Brand Ambassador."

  1. Engagement and Services:

The Company hereby engages the Brand Ambassador to represent and promote the Company’s products and/or services. The Brand Ambassador agrees to perform the following services:

[List of specific services and duties]

  1. Term:

This Agreement shall commence on [Start Date] and shall continue until [End Date] unless terminated earlier as provided herein.

  1. Compensation:

The Above-Named Brand Ambassador will receive compensation as follows:

[Details of compensation structure, including any base pay, commission, bonuses, or non-monetary compensation like company products]

  1. Performance Metrics:

The success of the Brand Ambassador’s services will be measured based on the following metrics:

[Specific performance metrics, such as engagement rates, reach, and conversion targets]

  1. Product Ownership and Usage:

The Company will provide [Product/Service Name] to the Brand Ambassador at no cost. The Brand Ambassador agrees not to resell these products without prior written consent from the Company.

  1. Copyright and Content Ownership:

The Brand Ambassador retains copyright of all original content created. The Company is granted the right to use this content for the duration of the contract. For use beyond this period, a separate agreement is required.

  1. Confidentiality:

The Above-Listed Brand Ambassador agrees not to disclose any confidential information obtained during the term of the contract and to return any confidential materials upon contract termination.

  1. Termination:

Either party may terminate this Agreement with [notice period, e.g., 30 days] written notice. Termination conditions will be subject to [specify any early termination clauses or penalties].

  1. Independent Contractor Status:

The Brand Ambassador is an independent contractor and not an employee of the Company.

  1. Legal Compliance and Mandatory Disclosures:

The Brand Ambassador agrees to comply with all relevant laws and regulations, including mandatory disclosures in advertising content.

  1. Governing Law:

This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of [Jurisdiction].

  1. Entire Agreement:

This document represents the entire agreement between the Company and the Brand Ambassador and supersedes all prior agreements, whether written or oral.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have executed this Brand Ambassador Contract as of the Effective Date.

[Company Name]

By: ___________________________

Title: ___________________________

Date: ___________________________

[Brand Ambassador Name]

By: ___________________________

Date: ___________________________

[Note: This template is a basic structure and should be customized to fit the specific needs and legal requirements of the parties involved. It is advisable to have the contract reviewed by a legal professional before use.]

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